G-Shala Learning App for Std-1 to 12 in Gujarat

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G – SHALA એપ્લિકેશન બાળકોને કેવી રીતે ચલાવતા શીખવશો…?

G-Shala Learning App for Std-1 to 12 in Gujarat

G-Shala : Gujarat - Students' Holistic Adaptive Learning App is an eContent App for Standard 1 to 12 embedded on Learning Management System (LMS). G-Shala is designed & developed by Gujarat Council of School Education, Samagra Shiksha, Education Department, Government of Gujarat based on Gujarat State Education Board (GSEB) syllabus.

ગ્રેજ્યુએશનમાં અભ્યાસ 4 વર્ષનો થશે જોવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

સાળંગપુર મંદિરની લાઇવ દર્શન માટે લિંક્સ

લાઈવ દર્શન Youtube chanel અહીં ક્લિક કરો

G-Shala is a platform-agnostic and
device-independent App which provides digital interactive 2D/3D augmented e-Content mapped with textbooks for all the subjects, including Science & General streams in Std.11-12.

The G-Shala App also offers guided learning with reference/ supplementary materials, topics mapped with Learning Outcomes, virtual simulations for laboratory experimental simulations, pre-classroom modules for teachers, instructor Led videos as well as self-learning & self-assessment modules for students.

Purposeful but poor performance in India

G-Shala is created with a purpose to help nurture the students from Standard 1 to 12 of government and aided schools. Thus, it was designed based on Gujarat State Education Board (GSEB) syllabus by different Gujarat education bodies including the Gujarat Council of School Education, Samagra Shiksha, Education Department, and Government of Gujarat. It normally provides learning guides with supplementary materials and topics mapped with Learning Outcomes.

Moreover, as a student, you will also have virtual simulations for laboratory experiments as well as self-learning and self-assessment modules. For teachers, on the other hand, it gives pre-classroom modules and instructor LED videos. There is no doubt how feature-packed this teaching and training tool can be but the overall performance of the application is a major red flag and hindrance to continue your usage In GujaratIt's just highly unstable and you can expect to face a lot of issues as you navigate within the app. Launching the application can take a long time to respond. At times, it'll run but then, suddenly stops in the middle of opening it. The user interface is not friendly at all. You'll need to click multiple times on your appropriate role just for it to be successfully selected.

Badly needs improvements in Gujarat

G-Shala contains some promising features and references that can greatly aid students from Std. 1 to 12. As a learning utility that was produced by various governing bodies, the expectations were and unfortunately, they failed to meet them. The entire application needs to be overhauled if the developers are still eager to provide more convenient access to education for Gujarat students.


મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક


મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

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