U Dictionary application: Now you can translate between any two languages from 108 languages!

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ક્લિક કરો
U Dictionary application:

Now you can translate between any two languages from 108 languages!

U-Dictionary offers originally developed dictionaries of 44 languages, Collins Advanced Dictionary,

✅ * પ્રથમ સત્ર ડે ટુ ડે આયોજન*

રોજનીશી લખવા માટે તેમજ અધ્યયન નિષ્પતી જોવા ખૂબ જ ઉપયોગી

*ધોરણ 1 અને 2 નું Day to Day આયોજન*

*ધોરણ 3 નું Day to Day આયોજન*

*ધોરણ 4 નું Day to Day આયોજન*

*ધોરણ 5 નું Day to Day આયોજન*

*ધોરણ 6 નું Day to Day આયોજન*

*ધોરણ 7 નું Day to Day આયોજન*

*ધોરણ 8 નું Day to Day આયોજન*

WordNet Dictionary, Bilingual Sentences, Sample Sentences, Synonyms, Antonyms, Phrases and so on.

Now you can translate between any two languages from 108 languages!

Also, U-Dictionary is equipped with English articles, games, and quizzes to help you strengthen your. 

or phrase from your smartphone and gives you the translation in the desired language instantly. You can
copy any word or sentence while browsing, messaging, or reading news, to get its meaning instantaneously.
The Quick Translate feature helps you get the meaning in the notification bar without opening

Including text, pictures or shapes
fast and fun way.
and never miss out on any action.

U-Dictionary. Pronunciations are also available in English (US) and English (UK) accents.
Tap to translate entries in other apps

U-Dictionary Features:

  • Text Translation: Translate between any two languages from 108 languages.
  • Camera Translation: Snap a photo with text to get it translated. Recognizes 12 languages.
  • Offline Dictionary: Free download of Offline Packages for 44 languages and synonyms, antonyms, phrases,
  • English sample sentences, Collins Advanced Dictionary and WordNet Dictionary.
  • Copy to Translate: Copy any word or sentence while browsing, messaging, or reading news, to get meaning instantaneousl.
  • Word Lock Screen: Show words you choose on Lock Screen without network by accessing the offline
  • package.
  • Quick Translate: Get the meaning in the notification bar without opening U-Dictionary.
  • My Words: Save important words into different folders. Collect and revise.progressive way.


  • Perfect English Pronunciation: Authentic UK (British) and US (American) accent. Listen and learn.
  • Sample Sentences: Collected from famous international news websites such as BBC, NPR, etc
  • 4 Display Languages: Now you can read in your native language.
  • Words For Today: Learn new words every day to extend your vocabularies.Word Games Find synonyms game and spelling game. Play and learn.
  • Funny Videos: Fully utilize your free time to learn English with ease and fun.
  • Writing Club: Talk about themes given every week by us to develop your writing skills.
U-Dictionary 4.3.5 Update

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