60second Recap is an educational videotape design launched in September 2009 to give 60-alternate videotape summaries and analysis of classic literature. The point provides one- nanosecond videotape narrative on plot, themes, characters, symbols, motifs, and other aspects of books generally studied in secondary seminaries in North America.
A time after its launch, 60second Recap's website offered over 400 videos covering 35 classic erudite workshop and 60 contemporary titles. It had also entered further than 4.5 million website visits. During its alternate time, 60second Recap continued to add to its content library, with new 60second Recap videotape" compendiums"of 10-15 individual vids covering colourful aspects of a work similar as Beowulf or Hamlet. The website presently presents roughly 800 vids encompassing 42 classic erudite workshop, and over 250 reviews of contemporary books of implicit interest to teenagers.
Classroom acceptance
60second Recap won acceptance in seminaries, still, and preceptors said they plant it effective in sparking classroom conversations. 60second Recap was also cited by special education preceptors as a pedagogical tool for scholars who have literacy disabilities that intrude with their capability to comprehend written material.
02/04/22 Latest updates⤵️
Primary School